Why is  Pre- Listing home inspection important?

Home inspections and pre-listing inspections are normally conducted by certified home inspectors with experience in finding defects. Such pre-listing inspections can help sellers identify the issues that need immediate attention prior to listing the property for sale. By the same token it also allows the seller to determine the property’s true market value.

Offers received on any property that needs repairs will surely be much lower than similar properties that are in good condition. So its in the sellers best interest to conduct a pre-listing home inspection to identify and fix the defects. A good home normally brings a better offer.

Without a pre-listing inspection, sellers will surely be caught off-guard and these issues will surely be brought up by a buyer when the buyer conducts a home inspection as a condition of an accepted offer. Another benefit of a Pre-Listing Inspection and subsequently repairs of all issues, add to the Buyers motivation to buy a home with nothing that needs fixing. It further enhances the chances of receiving higher multiple offers.

 Pre-Listing Inspections prevent price re-negotiations

If your Buyer’s offer was contingent on a home inspection and it revealed something you hadn’t anticipated, many Buyers will try to renegotiate the price. In most cases, negotiating after you’ve accepted a proposal will result in a lower price than if you had accounted for it upfront.There is nothing you can hide from a buyer’s inspection. In case there are any issues with your property, it’s better to know before you list it for sale, so you can set your asking price to reflect the hassle and cost of any repairs.

Costs of an Inspection:

The Cost of an Inspection depends on the size and type of the property. Depending on the uniqueness of the property, the price may vary. Professionally conducted property inspections start at $ 500.00. It’s money well spent.